What lessons/classes are offered?
We offer private lessons in voice, piano, violin, guitar, drums, saxophone, clarinet, and flute. We have classes for dance and musical/theater.
What age students do you teach?
We offer lessons to 1st graders through adults.
What is the cost for registration and lessons?
There is a non-refundable registration fee of $75 per family due at the time of enrollment Beginner Lessons: $35 for 30 min. & $55 for 1 hour. Intermediate/advanced lessons and musical theater classes: $40 for 30 min. & $65 for 1 hour. Musical theater classes are $40.
When are tuition payments due?
Tuition payments are due at the beginning of each month. You will receive a Payment Schedule at the time of enrollment listing all the due dates and tuition amounts for the semester.
Where are lessons taught?
All classes are taught on the Church at the Cross/Central Florida Christian Academy campus.
How often are lessons taught?
One lesson is given per week. (Monday – Friday)
Do you rent instruments to students?
We do not rent instruments at this time. The following businesses are recommended for instrument rental/purchase:
Violin – Atlantic Strings, 750 N. Mills Ave., Orlando & Garden Music Store, 40 S. Main St., Winter Garden
Guitar – Sam Ash Music Store, 4644 E. Colonial Dr., Orlando
How do I obtain music for lessons?
The instructor will either purchase music and you will reimburse them, or the instructor will let you know what music to purchase.
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
Cindy Walker (Worship/Fine Arts Assistant) at or (407) 293-4571, ext. #6581.