All students reserve a weekly lesson time: (Mon. – Fri.)
– Lesson times are scheduled by your instructor according to their availability.
– Punctuality is absolutely necessary. If you arrive late, your lesson time will not be extended to make that
time up.
Students are responsible for the acquisition of music and/or instruments:
– Students are responsible for renting their instruments if they don’t own one. Your instructor can recommend
places that they can be rented.
– Your instructor may purchase music for you and have you reimburse them, or they may tell you where and
what to purchase for yourself.
Participation Expectations:
– Regular practice and lesson attendance with all materials at hand is expected. (Progress cannot be achieved
without these essentials.)
Arrival Expectations:
– Check in at the school office in the lobby of the (A/J) Bldg. when you arrive. Have a seat and wait for the
instructor to come pick you up for the lesson.
– Children 12 years old and under must not be left unattended.
Student Pick-Up:
– Parents must be prompt in picking up students after lessons. The instructor will return the student to their
parent in the lobby.
– Please notify your instructor if someone other than yourself will be picking up the student.
CFCA students:
– If you want your child to be picked up from extended care for their lesson, please communicate this to your
instructor and CFCA.
– It is the parent’s responsibility to notify the instructor if the student will not be at their lesson, not CFCA’s.
Please do not assume that if the student was not at school, for whatever reason, that the instructor will be
notified. You are responsible for contacting the instructor to notify them if the student will
not be at their lesson.
Make-Up Lessons/Absences/Cancellations:
– Any lessons occurring on a recognized Federal holiday will be made up.
– Lessons cancelled by the instructor for any reason will be made up.
– Planned vacations, weddings, school spring/fall breaks, etc. (with advance notification to the instructor) will
be made up.
– Excused absences (instructor notified at least 24 hrs. before the lesson) will be made up.
– Unexcused absences (instructor notified less than 24 hrs. before their lesson, last minute cancellations
or “no-shows”) will not be made up.
– Scheduled make-up lessons that are not attended, will be forfeited.
– Students not arriving to lesson within the first 15 minutes will forfeit the remainder of that lesson.
Financial Responsibilities
Tuition / financial agreement
– A non-refundable yearly $75 enrollment fee (per family) is required at the time of registration.
– Pay tuition promptly on the due dates noted on your payment schedule. If payment is not made prior to the
first lesson of the month, no lesson will be given, and it will not be eligible for makeup. Please keep your
payment schedule posted somewhere prominent to serve as a reminder of the date and amount due. A
reminder email will be sent to you one week prior to the due dates.
Payment options:
– Make payment by credit card on the PAACF website. Please pay the fee for the convenience of using this
– Check payments may be dropped into the lockbox located on the wall behind the desk in the lobby
of the Joy Building. They should be made payable to CATC with PAACF on the memo line. Please use
the envelopes provided on the receptionist’s desk for your payment. Put you name and PAACF on the
– Cash payments – Contact to make arrangements for a cash payment.)
PLEASE NOTE: If you have a student involved in Dance, please make that payment separately in order to
avoid confusion with our bookkeeping.